Adventures create a solid foundation of memories ingrained in our brains. I would almost bet that if you asked your kids what they received for their birthday 2 years ago, they would not remember which material gift. If you asked about the trip you took 2 years ago, they would remember details about what they ate, saw, or did on that trip.
Childhood is all about making fun memories; why not make it part of their special occasion gifts?
They create less clutter in your home. I am sure most of you reading this feel your kids have too many toys. They take up room, require organization, new batteries, and are in constant need of being picked up at the end of the day. Experiences take up basically no room!
While some experiences do need physical items (swimming lessons require bathing suits), those items will be used on a consistent basis for many adventures to come.
They present a unique and special opportunity to bond with your kids. Participating in an experience with your kids will help you feel more connected. Happiness in our kiddos typically stems from spending time with us and activity gifts offers that.
If you are a grandparent, think about the bonding time of going to get an ice cream cone rather than gifting a bracelet. Eventually they may even forget who gifted them what but they are less likely to forget who brought them on that fun outing.

Kids will be more active & social with experiences. Adventure based gifts typically include getting out of the house to participate in the fun! Think swimming lessons, soccer camp, National Parks pass, or amusement park tickets. They may meet new friends, participate in a demonstration, or simply talk with you more than they normally would have with a day spent at home.
Helps hone in on what hobbies and interests your kids have and makes it more personalized. The kiddo in your life loves movies? A gift card to a drive-in would make an incredibly fun night for them. They love underwater life? Tickets to the aquarium would be perfect. You may be surprised to find out what they love through your adventure gifts!
The people selecting these gifts know the kiddos in their life or want to know them better and learn what they enjoy doing. It takes a bit more creativity and heart than just picking a toy off a gift registry.
Often times a small adventure will cost less than the newest toy on the market. I realize this is not always the case. I think it opens up the opportunity to spend what you can afford without sacrificing the set cost of a new video game.
Even if it does end up costing a little more than you would normally spend, it will be a gift that keeps on giving throughout their memories. There are adventures that could be free too! For example, lots of museums offer free days each year.

Experiences are less often compared than material possessions. People tend to compare gifts they receive or items they have. While this is obviously not true of all kids or people, it can be difficult if someone wanted a top notch toy and got something less desirable.
This doesn’t happen as much with experience based gifts. They are simply harder to compare according to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
While it may seem that a one time experience wouldn’t be better than a physically long lasting toy, it is actually the opposite! Toys melt into every day life and the happiness diminishes. Experiences becomes a substantial part of who we are.
With experiences it adds in the fun by receiving the gift, waiting to use the gift and getting excited for it, planning out the day you will use it and prepping for it, then actually using it, and finally talking about what fun they had on it. I personally love the anticipation of an upcoming adventure day!
Helps with learning! There are so many experiences that promote learning. Think of all the brain power used going to a planetarium and learning about astronomy or going to an animal sanctuary learning about different types of wildlife.
#10 FUN!
Let’s be honest, these experiences can be just as fun for the gift giver!! Ice cream date? YES PLEASE! Tickets to the amusement park? YOU GET TO GO TOO! Swim lessons? THESE ARE ADORABLE to watch! National Park pass? AMAZING FAMILY TRIP!